Photo: Students cheering and jumping


We provide a well-rounded understanding of Central Europe, Russia, the former Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe through a study of their languages and an exploration of their literatures and cultures.

About Us
Photo: Red Square in Moscow and Red Square at the University of Washington

Study with Us

We offer a multifaceted approach to learning about a complex region recognized for its international influence. Our students learn to evaluate linguistic and cultural differences in a global context.

Our Programs
Prof. Gordana Crnkovic with students in class

Explore the Slavic World

Deepen your understanding of Slavic culture and the human experience through big books, European cinema, visual art, and more.

Featured Courses
Photo: Sunrise in Warsaw, Poland

Dynamic Viewpoints

Our students pursue diverse careers in communication, teaching, science and business. Employers value their ability to respond to an ever-changing world and its increasingly complex demands.

Explore Careers
Person reading a book

New Major in Global Literary Studies!

A dynamic collaboration of multiple UW departments, Global Literary Studies (GLITS) introduces students to works of literature from around the world and from all eras of human history.

Global Literary Studies
Photo: Folk dancing at Suzzallo Library

Rooted in Community

Our department exists at the crossroads of many cultures, creeds and national traditions. Lectures, festivals and film screenings provide opportunities to share and celebrate those differences.

Upcoming Events
Вот однажды один человек пошел на служ- бу, да по дороге встретил другого человека, который, купив польский батон, направлялся к себе восвояси. Вот, собственно, и все.
Once a man went to work, and on the way he met another man who, having bought a loaf of white bread, was going back home. That’s about it.
Daniil Kharms, Incidences

News & Events