Study Abroad

A wide range of study abroad opportunities is available through the University of Washington. Whether you’re interested in participating in a program or in going alone, you’ll need to plan ahead and coordinate with advisers in Humanities Academic Services and the Study Abroad office.

UW Exploration Seminars

Locations vary by quarter and year.

Study Abroad Office at the UW

The Study Abroad website has a wealth of information about how to choose a program, and what to do before, during and after you study abroad. Students who plan to study abroad and earn credit through the Slavic Department should be sure to consult with an adviser in the Humanities Academic Services Center beforehand. There is a limit to the number of language credits that may be earned through the department; students are therefore encouraged to take courses in literature and culture as well as in other disciplines. In addition, Russian language majors who study abroad during their senior year will be required to sign a contract indicating they are aware that they must take and pass the department's fourth-year Russian language exit exam; failure to pass the exam will require registration for fourth-year Russian in a subsequent quarter. To ensure that students are on track to complete their studies successfully, they will be required to make arrangements to take a midpoint exam while abroad.

Selected Study Abroad Opportunities
