- Course Description:
During this course you will extend your Russian to the STEM fields and gain your proficiency in academic style. You will learn terms and expressions used in the fields of science and engineering (math, physics, chemistry, biology, internet technologies, aerospace), and foundational skills of professional communication. Explores historically significant contributions of Russian scientists and inventors, as well as recent issues in science and technology. The course inables students to make a presentation on a topic of professional interest, conduct interviews with Russian-speaking professionals and develop project-based tasks. Although our course is practice oriented, we will pay attention to linguistic features of language of science. Course materials combine readings, interviews, and other online materials. Taught primarily in Russian in a hybrid format. Our initial meeting (the first class) will be taught face-to-face and the rest of classes via Zoom. Open to advanced students of Russian and heritage speakers (prerequisites: Russian III or instructor’s permission).
2.Course Objectives: By the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
- Listen and understand the main ideas and some details on STEM topics that are presented through documentary films, video lectures, and presentations;
- Read and understand the main idea and a few supporting facts about famous scientists and scientific discoveries on STEM fields from articles and summarized descriptions;
- Read and understand the main ideas and some details in nonliterary texts, such as articles, reviews, and summaries on STEM topics;
- Describe orally and in written form their professional interests with clarity and details;
- Write summaries based on articles in academic style language;
- Communicate in written form and orally with Russian-speaking specialists;
- Conduct an interview (formal conversation) with Russian-speaking specialists on topics of professional interests in academic style;
- Express ideas and opinions when engaged in conversation related to professional fields;
- Ask questions and exchange general information on STEM topics outside your professional fields;
- Deliver an oral presentation on topics of professional interests in academic style.