Prominent Editorial Committee Gains Second UW Academic

Submitted by Isabelle Schlegel on
Author: A.Savin, WikiCommons

Two UW academics now are on the selective advisory Editorial Committee of one of the most prominent Russian annuals in the Humanities. Prof. Emeritus Daniel Waugh (History, Slavic, and JSIS) has recently accepted an invitation to join the board of Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury (Works of the Division of Early Russian Literature), published by the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pushkin House in St. Petersburg.

Prof. Waugh's appointment follows that of Prof. Isolde Thyrêt, who was named to the editorial committee a couple of years ago. Thyrêt received her Ph.D. from UW History and recently retired from teaching at Kent State University.

The editorial advisory committee of the journal normally has ten to a dozen members, some of them prominent Russian humanists, some selected among specialists on Early Slavic histories and culture outside of Russia. It appears that Professors Waugh and Thyrêt are the only American scholars to have been included in it. 
