Resources for Newly Admitted Graduate Students

Graduate School Orientation

The Graduate School offers an orientation for graduate and professional students at all three campuses. University 501 (U501) is a self-guided, online resource, and is intended to help prepare you for your arrival to and start at the University of Washington.

Title IX Student Course

Husky Prevention & Response is a foundational, required online prevention and response course about sex- and gender-based violence and harassment.  You can access the course on the Husky Prevention & Response student course webpage.


To begin the registration process, you will first need to determine the classes you would like to take.  You can do so by consulting the UW Time Schedule to see which classes are being offered in a given quarter.  Especially in your first quarter, you will want to choose classes that will fulfill your degree requirements.  Once you have identified the classes you would like to take, you should consult the UW Academic Calendar to determine the date on which you can enroll in classes (for new students, most often it is the date that Period II enrollment begins).  The UW Registrar's Office maintains a Resources for Registration page that has a link to the current Academic Calendar and additional resources that will guide you through the process of how to register through the UW systems (Registration Resources).  
