Russian & Soviet Jewish Experience
Examines the literature and cinema dealing with the experience of Jews from the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union from the end of the 19th century to the present; the experience of Jews in imperial-era and Soviet-era Ukraine will be particularly emphasized. We will study: the cultural artifacts dealing with the inter-ethnic violence of the late Imperial period; experiences of and reflections on the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalinism, the Holocaust, the post-Stalin period; the place of Jews as individuals and members of a minority group within Soviet society, ideology, and culture; migration and emigration; everyday life in the USSR, and among immigrant communities in America and elsewhere at the beginning of the 21st century. All readings in English; no prerequisites.
Note: This course has several numbers -- RUSS 427 / JEW ST 427 / GLITS 311 C. It's all the same course. If one of these course numbers appears full ("closed") please check one or both of the others for available seats. Get in touch with Prof. Senderovich with any questions,
The full course syllabus is here (please read it in full if you plan to take the course): RUSS 427--JEW ST 427 Soviet Jewish Experience - Winter 2025.pdf