Recent publications by José Alaniz

Submitted by Chris Dawson-Ripley on

Slavic's own José Alaniz was recently publichsed in the works below


* “The Shoah, Czech Comics and Drda/Mazal’s The Enormous Disc of the Sun.” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies. Vol. 17, No. 1 (2018): 64-78.


* “‘We Are All Scream!: Woodgod and the ‘Animal Superhero.’” Critical Animal Studies and Superheroes: The Heroic Beasts of Total Liberation. Ed. Joe Leeson Schatz and Sean Parson. Lexington Books, 2017: 33-48.


* “‘The Most Famous Dog in History’: Mourning the Animot in Abadzis’ Laika.”  Seeing Animals: Visuality, Derrida, and the Exposure of the Human. Ed. Sarah Bezan and James Tink. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2017): 39-64.
