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Claudia Jensen specializes in 17th-century Russian culture, particularly music and theater. Her most recent monograph is Russia’s Theatrical Past: Court Entertainment in the 17th Century (co-authored with Ingrid Maier, Stepan Shamin, and Daniel Waugh, 2021); a Russian translation, to be issued by Contemporary Western Rusistika Press, is pending as of 2024. Her previous monograph, Musical Cultures in Seventeenth-century Russia (2009) was awarded the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies USC Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies in 2010. Both works were supported by funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (as individual and collaborative research grants). Her current research will result in a monograph, co-written with Ingrid Maier (Uppsala University), focusing on the first play presented for the Moscow court theater, in 1672. Claudia is also a frequent pre-concert presenter for the Seattle Symphony.