
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
José Alaniz. "Crowd Control: Anxiety of Effluence in Sokurov's 'Russian Ark.'" in Sokurov anthology, ed. Birgit Beumers and Nancy Condee. Publications, Essays
1850-1950: A Century of Letters among the Bosniaks, Croats, Montenegrins, and Serbs. Bernhard Brehmer & Biljana Golubović, eds. Serbische und kroatische Schriftlinguistik. Hamburg: Verlags Dr. Kovač. 2010. 11-29. Publications, Essays
AB OVO: When OVO and OVO are Different. Balkanistica 23:1-20. 2010. Publications, Essays
Katarzyna Dziwirek, Bożena Nowicka McLees. "Polish in the U.S." In Language Diversity in the USA, ed. by Kim Potowski. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 238-254. Publications, Essays
Ovo vs. ovo. Raecke, Jochen and Biljana Golubović, eds. Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch als Fremdsprachen an den Universitäten der Welt. München: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2008. Publications, Essays
Minor Paucal in Serbian. Zybatow, Gerhild et al., eds. Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Leipzig 2003. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008. 258-269. Publications, Essays
“Post-1989 Publishing on Previously Suppressed Topics: Trends in Czech Contemporary History, with Reference to Poland,” in Books, Bibliographies and Pugs: a Festschrift to Honor Murlin Croucher (Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers, 2006): 13-29. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Gender and National Identity through Russian Language." Chapter 1 in Helena Goscilo and Andrea Lanoux, eds. Engendering the Nation: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination of Gender and National Identity in Russian Culture. Indian UP, 2006. Publications, Essays
James Augerot. "Romanian" in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd ed. Edited by Keith Brown. Elsevier: Oxford, 2006. 660-663. Publications, Essays
Barbara Henry. "Tolstoy on the Lower East Side: Di Kreytser Sonata." Tolstoy Studies Journal 16 (2005): 1-19. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Quoting Russian Poetry." Chapter 2 in Eloise M. Boyle and Genevra Gerhart, eds. The Russian Context: The Culture behind the Language. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2002. 85-202. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Quoting Russian Prose." Chapter 3 in Eloise M. Boyle and Genevra Gerhart, eds. The Russian Context: The Culture behind the Language. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2002. 203-264. Publications, Essays
"Tomaž Šalamun," in South Slavic Writers Since World War II. Detroit : Gale Press, 1997 (Dictionary of Literary Biography ; vol. 181): p. 288-294. Publications, Essays
"Edvard Kocbek," in South Slavic Writers Before World War II. Detroit : Gale Press, 1995. (Dictionary of Literary Biography ; vol. 147): p. 79-86. Publications, Essays