
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
“Tinova pjesma drveća: drevna budućnost i avangarda antropocene” [“Tin’s Poem of the Trees: Ancient Future and the Avant-Garde of the Anthropocene”]. Bojan Jović and Bojan Čolak, eds., A(tra)kcija Ujević: avangarda, angažman i revolucija u delu Tina Ujevića [A(tra)ction Ujević: Avant-Garde, Engagement and Revolution in the Opus of Tin Ujević]. Belgrade and Zagreb: Institute for Literature and Arts & the University of Zagreb, 2022.  Publications, Articles
“Post-1989 Publishing on Previously Suppressed Topics: Trends in Czech Contemporary History, with Reference to Poland,” in Books, Bibliographies and Pugs: a Festschrift to Honor Murlin Croucher (Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers, 2006): 13-29. Publications, Essays
“Knowledge, Belief and Art in Russian Neo-Kantianism,” in Studies in East European Thought, 47 (3-4), Dec. 1995 (special issue on Russian Neokantianism, ed. Bernice Rosenthal). Publications
“Kant, Kant, Kant: the Neo-Kantian Creative Consciousness in Andrei Bely's Peterburg,” in: The European Foundations of Russian Modernism. Ed. Peter I. Barta. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1991. Publications
“Art and the Language of Russian Culture,” in The Russian Context, ed. Genevra Gerhart and Eloise Boyle. Bloomington: Slavica Press, 2001 Publications
“Americanizing Slovene Literature, or, Taking the Day-Tripper’s Path to the Summit Instead of the North Face: Slovene to English Literary Translation on the Society’s Fortieth Anniversary,” in Slovene Studies, vol. 35 (2013), no. 1-2: p. 55-70. Publications, Essays
Уникатна контрола у савременом српском језику: инфинитив и презент са свезицом да. Serbian Studies Research. 5/1:253-267. 2014. Publications, Essays
What to Expect When You’re a Minority? The Example of the Bunyevs of Serbia. Acta Slavica Iaponica. 41:73-90. 2020. Publications, Essays
Vojvodina’s Minority Languages in Light of a Language Emancipation Theory. Balkanistic Forum. 3:19-33. 2017. (with Motoki Nomachi) Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Quoting Russian Prose." Chapter 3 in Eloise M. Boyle and Genevra Gerhart, eds. The Russian Context: The Culture behind the Language. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2002. 203-264. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Quoting Russian Poetry." Chapter 2 in Eloise M. Boyle and Genevra Gerhart, eds. The Russian Context: The Culture behind the Language. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2002. 85-202. Publications, Essays
Valentina Zaitseva. "Gender and National Identity through Russian Language." Chapter 1 in Helena Goscilo and Andrea Lanoux, eds. Engendering the Nation: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination of Gender and National Identity in Russian Culture. Indian UP, 2006. Publications, Essays
The Synchrony of the Serbian Infinitive: A Syntactic Perspective. James J. Pennington, Victor A. Friedman, and Lenore A. Grenoble (Eds.), And Thus You Are Everywhere Honored: Studies Dedicated To Brian D. Joseph. Slavica. 29-40. 2019. Publications, Essays
Russian Symbolism. London: Methuen, 1970. Publications, Books
Rewakowicz, Maria. Ukraine’s Quest for Identity : Embracing Cultural Hybridity in Literary Imagination, 1991-2011. Lexington Books, 2018. Publications, Books
Review of Poka noch’ nas ne razluchit’. Kinokultura (June, 2013). Publications, Essays
Review of Andrii Danylenko's From the Bible to Shakespeare: Pantelejmon Kulish (1819-1897) and the Formation of Literary Ukrainian. Boston, MA: Pace University, 2016 in Наукові Записки: Серія Богослов'я ["Academic Texts. Series Theology]. 5 (2018) 209–13. Publications
Protecting the Privileged: Cultivating and Caring for the Serbian Language in Serbia. Donald L. Dyer and Jane Hacking (Eds.), ЧЕКАJ: Papers for Christina E. Kramer on the Occasion of Her Retirement. Balkanistica. 32.2:1-14. 2019. Publications, Essays
Pilnyak, Boris and LeBlanc (Translator), Ronald D., "O'kei: An American Novel" (2020). Faculty Publications. 926. Publications, Books, Translations
Ovo vs. ovo. Raecke, Jochen and Biljana Golubović, eds. Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch als Fremdsprachen an den Universitäten der Welt. München: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2008. Publications, Essays
Narezhny, Vasily Trofimovich and LeBlanc, Ronald D., "A Russian Gil Blas, or The Adventures of Prince Gavrila Simonovich Chistyakov." Faculty Publications. 1595. Publications, Books, Translations
Minor Paucal in Serbian. Zybatow, Gerhild et al., eds. Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Leipzig 2003. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008. 258-269. Publications, Essays
Michael Biggins.  Vladimir Bartol, a biography.  Planned for completion in 2016. Publications, Books
Michael Biggins, trans.  Vladimir Bartol. Al-Araf: a Collection of Literary Sketches.  Ljubljana: Sanje Publishing, 2015. Publications, Books, Translations
Michael Biggins, trans.  Tomaž Šalamun. The Blue Tower. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. Publications, Books, Translations