
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Biographical article on Zhukovskii (15,000 words) for the Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol volume of the Dictionary of Literary Biography, edited by Christine Rydel. (1998). Publications, Projects
Galya Diment, ed. Goncharov's "Oblomov": A Critical Companion. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1998. 200pp. Publications, Books
"Tomaž Šalamun," in South Slavic Writers Since World War II. Detroit : Gale Press, 1997 (Dictionary of Literary Biography ; vol. 181): p. 288-294. Publications, Essays
“Knowledge, Belief and Art in Russian Neo-Kantianism,” in Studies in East European Thought, 47 (3-4), Dec. 1995 (special issue on Russian Neokantianism, ed. Bernice Rosenthal). Publications
"Edvard Kocbek," in South Slavic Writers Before World War II. Detroit : Gale Press, 1995. (Dictionary of Literary Biography ; vol. 147): p. 79-86. Publications, Essays
“Kant, Kant, Kant: the Neo-Kantian Creative Consciousness in Andrei Bely's Peterburg,” in: The European Foundations of Russian Modernism. Ed. Peter I. Barta. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1991. Publications
Russian Symbolism. London: Methuen, 1970. Publications, Books
Narezhny, Vasily Trofimovich and LeBlanc, Ronald D., "A Russian Gil Blas, or The Adventures of Prince Gavrila Simonovich Chistyakov." Faculty Publications. 1595. Publications, Books, Translations
Alaniz, José. Comics and History in the Czech Lands Publications, Books
Galya Diment. Leon Schulman Gaspard: The "non-Chagall" of Vitebsk on the World Stage Publications, Books
Michael Biggins, trans.  Katarina Marinčič. Three. Translation typescript completed  Publications, Books, Translations