Gender Nondiscriminatory Language Debates in Present-Day Serbia:אֵין כָּל חָדָשׁ תַּחַת הַשֶׁמֶשׁ. Cetinjski filološki dani III. 31-55. 2022. |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Linguistics, Slavic |
BCMS Clitic Deprivation. Lingua Montenegrina. 14.1.27: 21-38. 2021. |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian, Linguistics, Slavic |
What to Expect When You’re a Minority? The Example of the Bunyevs of Serbia. Acta Slavica Iaponica. 41:73-90. 2020. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, 21st Century, Linguistics, Slavic |
Protecting the Privileged: Cultivating and Caring for the Serbian Language in Serbia. Donald L. Dyer and Jane Hacking (Eds.), ЧЕКАJ: Papers for Christina E. Kramer on the Occasion of Her Retirement. Balkanistica. 32.2:1-14. 2019. |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian, Linguistics, Slavic |
Die nationalen Standardisierungsregime in Europa. Eine Fallstudie zur bunjewatzischen Sprache. Lumnije Jusufi, ed. The Potentiality of Pluricentrism Albanian Case Studies and Beyond. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 231-250. 2018. (with Marija Mandić) |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Linguistics, Slavic |
Banat Bulgarian and Bunyev: a language emancipation perspective. Dieter Stern, Motoki Nomachi & Bojan Belić, eds. Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and beyond: minority, regional and microliterary languages. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang. 66-84. 2018. (with Motoki Nomachi) |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, East European, Linguistics, Slavic |
Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and beyond: minority, regional and microliterary languages. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang. <> |
Publications, Books |
21st Century, Linguistics |
21st Century Standard Language Ideology in Serbia and Poland. Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies (Belgrade BELLS). 10: 177-192. 2018. (with Motoki Nomachi) |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Linguistics, Slavic |
Michael Biggins, trans. Lojze Kovačič. Newcomers. New York : Archipelago Books, 2016. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, 21st Century, History, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
"Intervju z Michaelom Bigginsom o Tomažu Šalamunu," in Literatura (Ljubljana, Slovenia), vol. 27 (2015), no. 283. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Drago Jančar. I Saw Her That Night. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2015. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Уникатна контрола у савременом српском језику: инфинитив и презент са свезицом да. Serbian Studies Research. 5/1:253-267. 2014. |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian, Linguistics, Slavic |
Bunyev(s): A Linguistic Frontier To Be? Philological Studies. 12/2:603-618. 2014. |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, East European, Linguistics, Slavic |
Eine neue Sprache entsteht: die bunjevakische ’Sprache‛ oder ’Mundart‛ in serbischen Grundschulen. Christian Voß & Wolfgang Dahmen, eds. Babel Balkan? Politische und soziokulturelle Kontexte von Sprache in Südosteuropa. München – Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2014. 93-114. (with Marija Ilić) |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Education, Slavic |
Linguistic Vojvodina: Embordered Frontiers. Tomassz Kamusella & Motoki Nomachi, eds. The Multilingual Society Vojvodina. Intersecting Borders, Cultures and Identities. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University. 2014. 1-23. |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Balkan Studies, Slavic |
Michael Biggins, trans. and author of afterword. Drago Jančar. The Tree With No Name. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2014. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, 21st Century, History, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
“Americanizing Slovene Literature, or, Taking the Day-Tripper’s Path to the Summit Instead of the North Face: Slovene to English Literary Translation on the Society’s Fortieth Anniversary,” in Slovene Studies, vol. 35 (2013), no. 1-2: p. 55-70. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Gordana P. Crnković, Aida Vidan, eds. In Contrast: Contemporary Croatian Film Today. Zagreb: Croatian Film Association, and New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. |
Publications, Books |
21st Century, Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian, Film/Cinema |
Michael Biggins, trans. Tomaž Šalamun. The Blue Tower. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
21st Century, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
“Post-1989 Publishing on Previously Suppressed Topics: Trends in Czech Contemporary History, with Reference to Poland,” in Books, Bibliographies and Pugs: a Festschrift to Honor Murlin Croucher (Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers, 2006): 13-29. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, 21st Century, Czech-Slovak, Historiography |
Michael Biggins, trans. Katarina Marinčič. Three. Translation typescript completed |
Publications, Books, Translations |
21st Century, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |