Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian in U.S. College Classrooms. Lingua Montenegrina. 10.2.20: 65-76. 2017. |
Publications, Essays |
Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian, Education, Linguistics |
Eine neue Sprache entsteht: die bunjevakische ’Sprache‛ oder ’Mundart‛ in serbischen Grundschulen. Christian Voß & Wolfgang Dahmen, eds. Babel Balkan? Politische und soziokulturelle Kontexte von Sprache in Südosteuropa. München – Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2014. 93-114. (with Marija Ilić) |
Publications, Essays |
21st Century, Education, Slavic |
Galya Diment, Zoran Kuzmanovich. MLA Approaches to Teaching "Lolita." New York: MLA, 2008. 200pp. |
Publications, Books |
American, Education, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Russian |