Pilnyak, Boris and LeBlanc (Translator), Ronald D., "O'kei: An American Novel" (2020). Faculty Publications. 926. https://scholars.unh.edu/faculty_pubs/926 |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, American, Culture, Russian, Translation and Interpretation |
Fleishman, Lazar, "Episodes from the History of American-Soviet Cultural Relations: Stanford Slavic Studies, Volume 5 (1992)," translated by LeBlanc, Ronald D. (2020). Faculty Publications. 790. https://scholars.unh.edu/faculty_pubs/790 |
Publications, Books, Translations |
Culture, History, Literary Criticism, Russian, Translation and Interpretation |
Belyaev, Sergey; Pilnyak, Boris; and LeBlanc, Ronald D., "Meat: A Novel" (2019). Faculty Publications. 650.
https://scholars.unh.edu/faculty_pubs/650 |
Publications, Books, Translations |
Literature, Russian, Translation and Interpretation |
Review of Andrii Danylenko's From the Bible to Shakespeare: Pantelejmon Kulish (1819-1897) and the Formation of Literary Ukrainian. Boston, MA: Pace University, 2016 in Наукові Записки: Серія Богослов'я ["Academic Texts. Series Theology]. 5 (2018) 209–13. |
Publications |
Bible Studies, Literature, Religion, Textual Studies, Translation and Interpretation, Ukrainian |
Blue Geese or Self-Serving Relatives: Translation Across a Major Cultural Divide. Slovo, vol. 58, Uppsala, 2017. |
Publications |
Culture, Slavic, Translation and Interpretation |
Bergelson, David. Judgment: A Novel Co-Translated and with critical introduction by Sasha Senderovich |
Publications, Books |
20th Century, Literary Criticism, Literature, Russian, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Lojze Kovačič. Newcomers. New York : Archipelago Books, 2016. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, 21st Century, History, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
"Intervju z Michaelom Bigginsom o Tomažu Šalamunu," in Literatura (Ljubljana, Slovenia), vol. 27 (2015), no. 283. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Drago Jančar. I Saw Her That Night. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2015. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Vladimir Bartol. Al-Araf: a Collection of Literary Sketches. Ljubljana: Sanje Publishing, 2015. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, Literature, Modernism, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. and author of afterword. Drago Jančar. The Tree With No Name. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2014. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, 21st Century, History, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
“Americanizing Slovene Literature, or, Taking the Day-Tripper’s Path to the Summit Instead of the North Face: Slovene to English Literary Translation on the Society’s Fortieth Anniversary,” in Slovene Studies, vol. 35 (2013), no. 1-2: p. 55-70. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Florjan Lipuš.The Errors of Young Tjaž. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2013. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, Literature, Literature and Other Arts, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Tomaž Šalamun. The Blue Tower. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
21st Century, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Drago Jančar. The Galley Slave. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2011. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
17th Century, 20th Century, History, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Boris Pahor. Necropolis. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2010. |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, History, Literature, Nonfiction Prose, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. and author of afterword. Vladimir Bartol. Alamut. Seattle: Scala House Press, 2004. (European edition: Ljubljana: Sanje, 2005. Paperback edition: San Francisco: North Atlantic Books, 2007.) |
Publications, Books, Translations |
20th Century, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |
Narezhny, Vasily Trofimovich and LeBlanc, Ronald D., "A Russian Gil Blas, or The Adventures of Prince Gavrila Simonovich Chistyakov." Faculty Publications. 1595. https://scholars.unh.edu/faculty_pubs/1595/ |
Publications, Books, Translations |
Literature, Russian, Translation and Interpretation |
Michael Biggins, trans. Katarina Marinčič. Three. Translation typescript completed |
Publications, Books, Translations |
21st Century, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Slovene, Translation and Interpretation |