
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
"Intervju z Michaelom Bigginsom o Tomažu Šalamunu," in Literatura (Ljubljana, Slovenia), vol. 27 (2015), no. 283. Publications, Essays
Michael Biggins, trans.  Drago Jančar.  I Saw Her That Night.  Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2015. Publications, Books, Translations
Michael Biggins, trans.  Vladimir Bartol. Al-Araf: a Collection of Literary Sketches.  Ljubljana: Sanje Publishing, 2015. Publications, Books, Translations
Уникатна контрола у савременом српском језику: инфинитив и презент са свезицом да. Serbian Studies Research. 5/1:253-267. 2014. Publications, Essays
Bunyev(s): A Linguistic Frontier To Be? Philological Studies. 12/2:603-618. 2014. Publications, Essays
Literature, Exile, Alterity: The New York Group of Ukrainian Poets, Academic Studies Press, August 2014, pp. 250. Publications, Books
Eine neue Sprache entsteht: die bunjevakische ’Sprache‛ oder ’Mundart‛ in serbischen Grundschulen. Christian Voß & Wolfgang Dahmen, eds. Babel Balkan? Politische und soziokulturelle Kontexte von Sprache in Südosteuropa. München – Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2014. 93-114. (with Marija Ilić) Publications, Essays
Linguistic Vojvodina: Embordered Frontiers. Tomassz Kamusella & Motoki Nomachi, eds. The Multilingual Society Vojvodina. Intersecting Borders, Cultures and Identities. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University. 2014. 1-23. Publications, Essays
Michael Biggins, trans. and author of afterword.  Drago Jančar. The Tree With No Name.  Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2014. Publications, Books, Translations
José Alaniz. 2014. Death, Disability and the Superhero: The Silver Age and Beyond. University Press of Mississippi.  Publications, Books
Review of Poka noch’ nas ne razluchit’. Kinokultura (June, 2013). Publications, Essays
Jose Alaniz.  “([Post-] Soviet Zone of Dystopia: Voronovich/Tkalenko’s Sterva.” Slavic & East European Journal, No. 57 (2) (Summer 2013). Publications, Essays
José Alaniz.  “History in Czech Comics: Lucie Lomová’s Divoši.” Ulbandus, Vol. 15 (2013). Publications, Essays
José Alaniz.  “Stuttering, Glossolalia and The Body in Sorokin’s A Month in Dachau.” Vladimir Sorokin's Languages. Ed. Tine Roesen and Dirk Uffelmann. Bergen: University of Bergen Press,  2013. Publications, Essays
Galya Diment. A Russian Jew of Bloomsbury: The Life and Times of Samuel Koteliansky. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011, 2013. 438pp. Publications, Books
“Americanizing Slovene Literature, or, Taking the Day-Tripper’s Path to the Summit Instead of the North Face: Slovene to English Literary Translation on the Society’s Fortieth Anniversary,” in Slovene Studies, vol. 35 (2013), no. 1-2: p. 55-70. Publications, Essays
Michael Biggins, trans.  Florjan Lipuš.The Errors of Young Tjaž. Champaign, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, 2013. Publications, Books, Translations
Galya Diment. Pniniad: Vladimir Nabokov and Marc Szeftel. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997, 2013. 256pp. Publications, Books
José Alaniz.  “‘Will You Listen to That!’: (Dis)Ability in Moore/Willingham’s In Blackest Night.” Comics Forum (Sept. 7, 2012). Publications, Essays
José Alaniz.  “Czech Comics Anthropology: Life and Story in O přibjehi: Keva.” Comics Forum (May 11, 2012). Publications, Essays
Katarzyna Dziwirek. Polish and English “Double Verb” Constructions. In Cognitive Processes in Language, Krzysztof Kosecki and Januszs Badio (eds).Peter Lang. 53-65. Publications, Essays
Inventing the Modern Yiddish Stage: Essays on Drama, Performance, and Show Business. Co-edited with Joel Berkowitz, Wayne State University Press, 2012. Publications, Books
Gordana P. Crnković. Post-Yugoslav Literature and Film: Fires, Foundations, Flourishes. London and New York: Continuum, 2012. Publications, Books
Gordana P. Crnković, Aida Vidan, eds. In Contrast: Contemporary Croatian Film Today. Zagreb: Croatian Film Association, and New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. Publications, Books
Michael Biggins, trans.  Tomaž Šalamun. The Blue Tower. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. Publications, Books, Translations