News Archive

Image Title Published
New movie review from Prof José Alaniz
Douglas Smith
Slavic Department 50th anniversary
Program page 1
Slavic Convocation 
The Americans
Senderovich on how The Americans (on FX) challenges Cold War narratives | The New Republic
Program listing page 1
A blast from the past!!
 José Alaniz selected to be recognized at the Latinx Faculty Recognition Event
 Alexis McClimans, department undergrad major, published in "the Birch"
Congratulations to Cyrus on the birth of a baby girl!!
Prof. Sasha Senderovich
Michael Biggins
Michael Biggins to deliver keynote address at the annual "Midwest Slavic Conference"
Department Major Jake Hansen published in Slavic Studies journal
Slavic welcomes our new undergraduate adviser, Gina Gould
Recent publications by José Alaniz
Anonymous donor agrees to match donations to the UW’s Roma Boniecka-Anna Cienciala Endowment for Slovene Studies, up to $50,000
Affiliate Professor Ronald D. LeBlanc published in "Gastronomica"
Photo credit to Caean Couto (UW Daily)
UW Slavic Department featured in a profile by the Daily
"Ukraine's Quest for Identity"  published by Affiliate Professor, Maria G. Rewakowicz, 
Call for
UW - University of Ljubljana Scholars exchange
Visit to UW by Slovene Government Minister
Faculty Friday:  José Alaniz
Topic Announced for Winter 2018 class Polish 420:  Haunted Images:  New Polish Cinema and Photography
Prof José Alaniz reviews the Russian Superhero Movie “Guardians”
Slavic and East European Blog
 "Katherine Mansfield And Russia" a book edited by Galya Diment is published
Prof. Jose Alaniz and Ph.d. Student Veronica Muskheli team up to translate a Russian Sci-Fi story